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asked questions

How MUCH ARE classes at RGC

Our rates are grouped by the number of hours a class runs for. The best way to get find our class prices is via our information pack. A link to our most current information pack can be found on our home page.


How do I pay for classes at RGC

We invoice for all fees through our system. From here, payments can be made via bank transfer, online credit card payments or cash at the club. We do not have EFTPOS facilities and can only accept credit card payments through our customer portal.

All classes fees must be paid in full by the second lesson attended. Failure to pay fees will result in class restrictions.


What should my child wear for class?

For most of our classes a tight-fitting singlet or t-shirt, paired with shorts or leggings are fine. 

Leotards are preferred for all girls Levels classes and Acrobatic Gymnastics classes.
We have lots of training merchandise available for purchase. These items are completely optional.
We ask that all athlete's wear jumpers and track pants to classes in terms 2 and 3 as the gym can get very cold.


Are your classes insured?

We have insurance through Sports Cover Australia, which is backed by our national association Gymnastics Australia. This is the same insurance that every affiliated club in the country has and is a requirement of our affiliation. For more information, please see


What are your term dates?

We run all our classes in line with the school terms.
Term 1 -
Term 2 - April 5th - 24th June 
Term 3 - July 19th t0 October 1st

Term 4 - October 11th to December 18th (last day of the term)


Are your Coaches qualified?

All our leading coaches are qualified through Gymnastics Australia. 
Coaches have to go through numerous tests and face to face coaching clinics to become accredited coaches and have to complete compulsory training throughout the year.
We run a strong in-house training program for assistant and junior coaches and no coach coaches alone unless they hold at least an intermediate coaches accreditation.
It is a national requirement that all accredited coaches hold valid working with children's checks and first aid certificates.


Can we still join your classes after the term has started?

Absolutely! We will only ever charge you for the remaining lessons in the term, although registration fees remain the same, regardless of how many weeks are left in the year. This is a national fee and is out of our control.


Do you offer trial classes?

All our classes can be trialed to ensure they are the right fit for your child. The trial class will be included in your term fee if you choose to continue. There is no charge for this class if you decide it is not right for you.


Can parents watch?

We love having parents at the gym to watch classes. We feel it brings the best out of our gymnasts, coaches and staff and gives parents and guardians a great opportunity to meet others and become more involved in our club. As a not for profit organisation, we rely heavily on the generosity of our members and do everything we can to include everyone - gymnasts, siblings, parents and grandparents! While COVID restrictions spectators for Kinder, Gym Fun, Gym Challenge and Junior Free G will only be allowed to watch their child.
Guardians are welcome to leave if they choose. Due to the size of our new facility, spectators can watch from the side doors or the hall but must not enter the gymnasium and remain behind the doors. 


Please note that all KinderGym classes are caregiver assisted and children cannot be left alone in these classes.


What is your ratio of children to coaches?

We cap the majority of our classes at 10 athletes. These classes have 1 senior coach and may have a trainee coach with them too. 

Not all classes are capped at 10, Depending on the structure of the class. Our team classes have a larger ratio because of the amount of group work involved, but our GymMotion classes have a much smaller ratio due to the needs of the participants.


Do you offer make-up classes if we miss a lesson?

Make-up classes are available for athletes who have medical certificates, school functions or serious reasoning to miss class.
Because of our strict class ratios, we can only offer make-up lessons in classes that are not already full. You are able to choose another style of class if there are not available options for the class you are missing. Eg. You may choose to do a one-off FreeG class to make up for your missed tumble class if all tumble options are at capacity.

Make-up lessons must be booked online through the customer portal. Athlete absence must also be reported via the portal for your make up lesson to be activated. Make-up lessons cannot be offered to those who have not paid their term fees in full.



My child is interested in competing.

What's involved?

Competing with Roleystone Gymnastics Club is a very fun and friendly experience. We never put pressure on athletes to get high rankings or top results. Instead, we encourage all our athletes to strive to do their best and acknowledge their mistakes to improve next time. We want all our competitive athletes to have fun and enjoy the experience of competition, not the outcome.

All competitive athletes require the following: 
     Girls - Club leotard, Club jacket, black track pants (no leggings). Hair should be in a neat bun with either a white scrunchie or club bow.

     Boys - Club leotard, club competition shorts, club longs, club jacket, black track pants. Long hair is required to be tied up and out of their face.

     Acrobatic Gymnasts - Competition leotard/s, club jacket, black track pants (no leggings). Hair is to be in a neat donut bun with matching hair accessories.

     Team Gymnasts - Club leotard, club shorts, club jacket, black track pants (no leggings). Hair is to be in a neat donut bun with hair accessory specified by your coach.


For those competing at Gymnastics WA events, volunteers will be required from the club for each event. All families are expected to provide a volunteer at one event per year (per gymsport). If a volunteer cannot be sourced from the competing families, a staff member will be paid by the club to fulfil the role and the competing families will be charged to cover the costs.

See our Spark Squad programs for class requirements. 

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